Julia Vigl, PhD MSc MA

University Assistant (Post-Doc)
Personality Psychology, Differential Psychology & Assessment



Research Interests

Music Psychology:

  • Associations between musicality, empathy and linguistic abilities
  • Assessment of prosodic discrimination ability (test development)
  • Emotion induction through music: influence of various factors, such as performance, context, personality traits or musical structure.
  • Emotions in response to art
  • Musical tempo memory
  • Stress and mood regulation through music

Relationship Psychology:

  • Couple relationships and external stress
  • Division of housework, sense of justice
  • Attachment style


  • VO Psychology of Personality and Individual Differences I
  • UE Computer Aided Data Evaluation I & II (SPSS & R)
  • UE Practice, Performance assessment
  • Supervision of Master’s Theses

Participate in ongoing studies

Are you motivated to help us with our currently running studies? Take part in one of these interesting projects

Emotions in Context
This online-study with 4 measurement points addresses emotions evoked by music in different listening contexts (pure listening, during movement, during a cognitive activity, during a physical activity).

Duration:    60-90 min.
Inclusion criteria:  None
Benefits:  2 h of course credits

Musical Tempo Memory
This study examines the accuracy of musical tempo memory and the role of personality and stimulus characteristics.

Duration:    30 min
Inclusion criteria:  None
Benefits:  Course credits & feedback

Conference Contributions

  • Vigl, J. & Zentner, M. (2024, July 3-6). Performance quality in musical emotion induction: Main effects and listener feature interactions. ESCOM 12, York, England. [Conference talk]
  • Vigl, J., Köhler, F., & Henning, H. (2024, July 3-6). Tuning into emotion: Investigating the association between musical ability, prosodic discrimination skills and vocal emotion recognition. ESCOM 12, York, England. [Conference poster]
  • Vigl, J., Talamini, F., Strauß, H., & Zentner, M. (2024, July 3-6). Exploring tempo memory accuracy: The effects of reproduction method, reference tempo, and musical expertise. ESCOM 12, York, England. [Conference poster]
  • Vigl, J., Strauss, H., & Zentner, M. (2024, June 13-16). Rapid assessment of musical competence and appreciation: Development and validation of the Music Mindedness Questionnaire. 17. The Neurosciences and Music – VIII, Helsinki, Finland. [Conference poster]
  • Vigl, J., Zentner, M., & Saarikallio, S. (2024, June 8-10). The Role of Attachment Style in Music Mood Regulation. SysMus24, Jyväskylä, Finland. [Conference talk]
  • Vigl, J., Talamini, F., Strauss, H., & Zentner, M. (2023, September 25). Trajectories of Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction Over two Years in the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Latent Class Analysis. 17. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik, DPPD, Salzburg, Austria. [Conference poster]
  • Vigl, J., Talamini, F., & Zentner, M. (2023, September 14-16). Colours and Sounds: A Study of Aesthetic Emotions in Paintings and Music. GAPS2 conference, Graz, Austria. [Conference talk]
  • Vigl, J. & Zentner, M. (2023, August 24-28). Factors influencing music emotion induction. ICMPC17 conference, Japan, Tokyo (online participation). [Conference talk]
  • Vigl, J., Talamini, F., Strauß, H., & Zentner, M. (2022, July 12-15). A Prospective Study of Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Associations with Internal and External Stressors. ECP 2022 conference, Madrid, Spain. [Conference talk]
  • Vigl, J., Gerstgrasser, S., & Zentner, M. (2022, July 12-15)The Role of Individual Differences in Musical Emotion Induction. ECP 2022 conference, Madrid, Spain. [Conference talk]
  • Vigl, J., Gerstgrasser, S., & Zentner, M. (2022, June 10). The Role of Individual Differences in Musical Emotion Induction. Pscience Day conference, Innsbruck, Austria. [Conference poster]
  • Vigl, J., Talamini, F., Strauß, H., & Zentner, M. (2022, February 16-19). A prospective Study of Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction during the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Influence of Internal and External Stressors. SPSP Annual Convention, Close Relationships Preconference (online). [Conference talk]
  • Vigl, J., Talamini, F., Strauß, H., & Zentner, M. (2022, February 18-19). Relationship Satisfaction During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cognitive Science Arena, Brixen, Italy. [Conference talk]