Our research on temperament focuses on the assessment of its base dimensions in toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged children. The Integrative Child Temperament Inventory (ICTI; Zentner & Ihrig, 2011) assesses five temperament dimensions in children aged 2 to 8 years. The term integrative was chosen because the ICTI covers temperament dimensions that are included in most temperament theories and generally acknowledged. In our current project we are working on an adaption of the ICTI for older children. As a part of this project, we are also analyzing the interrater agreement on temperament between parents, children and teachers and investigate factors that are influencing the amount of agreement. For this project, we created a comic for children. It follows the siblings Anna and Leo and their dog time as they discover different temperament traits in everyday life. They learn a lot about the the origin and the reasons for behavior differences as well. We used the comics in schools when we did our data collection. read the comic A German version of the comic is also available. read the German comic
Temperament in Late Childhood