Music induced emotions

Performance Features and Music Induced Emotions

Aims The aim of this study was to investigate how the quality of performances influences listeners’ music-evoked emotions. Specifically, the study examined the effects of performance variations at three levels of proficiency (plain, semiprofessional, professional) on liking and felt emotion. It also explored interactions between performance and listener attributes known to modulate musical emotion induction. Methods Study 1 involved 207 participants who listened to music excerpts performed at different levels of proficiency. Pairwise differences between each performance condition were examined, along with interaction effects with listener attributes, such as musical expertise. Pretesting of the stimuli was conducted prior to the study. In Study 2, 143 participants listened to all three versions of a selection of music excerpts used in Study 1. Multilevel modeling was used to analyze the data in Study 2, exploring the interaction effects between performance and listener attributes, including musical expertise, musical aptitude, personality factors, and current mood state. Results Across both studies, the results consistently demonstrated that liking and the intensity of emotion increased as the performance quality improved. Additionally, Performance × Listener Features interactions were found, indicating that the emotional effect of the performance condition was amplified in participants with higher musical expertise and aptitude. This study addresses the gap in knowledge regarding the influence of performance quality on music-evoked emotions. By examining the specific role of performance features, the study provides valuable insights into the factors involved in musical emotion induction. Vigl, J., & Zentner, M. (2023). How much does performance quality matter in musical emotion induction? Main effects and interaction effects with listener features. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication.

Music induced emotions

Listener Features and Music Induced Emotions

Aims The aim of this study was to comprehensively understand the role of listener attributes in the induction of musical emotions. Specifically, we investigated the relative influence of musical expertise, objectively assessed musical aptitude, the Big Five personality traits, and positive and negative mood on musical emotion induction. Methods A total of 113 participants, consisting of 45% musicians and 55% nonmusicians, were included in the study. Participants provided ratings of felt emotion in response to 12 excerpts of Western classical music, selected to evoke different types of emotions. The ratings were obtained using the Geneva Emotion Music Scale (GEMS)-25, a domain-specific scale for assessing music-evoked emotion. The data were analyzed with MANOVAS and multiple regresions based on the intensity and granularity of the emotions. Results The findings of the study suggest that expertise played a significant role in musical emotion induction. The effects of mood and personality traits varied depending on the type of outcome, such as the type of experienced emotion and the type of emotional responding (intensity vs. granularity), as well as the presence of other listener factors. Overall, listener features accounted for approximately 30% of the variance in musically evoked emotions. The results of this study have implications not only for the understanding of musical emotion induction but also for applications that involve personalized musical listening. Gerstgrasser, S., Vigl, J., & Zentner, M. (2023). The role of listener features in musical emotion induction: The contributions of musical expertise, personality dispositions, and mood state. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 17(2), 211-224. Read the Article