Music Project

Music And Well-Being

The Benefits of Music Music not only has a powerful emotional impact, it also contributes to health and well-being. Whether through listening, playing, or composing, music is a fundamental aspect of leisure for many, serving as both an expression of personal identity and a tool for managing difficult emotions. In addition, research has revealed the […]

Emotion Music Project

Factors of Music Induced Emotions

The emotional impact of music Music has the ability to express and evoke emotions that listeners can recognize and experience within themselves. Previous studies indicate that the primary reason for intentional music listening is often the emotional impact it provides. Whether it’s to enhance, reduce, or alter one’s mood, music holds the power to elicit […]


Online assessment of musical ability in 10 minutes: Development and validation of the Micro-PROMS

A new article published in Behavior Research Methods describes the latest addition to the Profile of Music Perception Skills (PROMS).


The Tapping-PROMS: A test for the assessment of sensorimotor rhythmic abilities

A new article published in Frontiers of Psychology describes the latest addition to the Profile of Music Perception Skills (PROMS).

Cognitive abilities Music Music expertise

Musicians’ and nonmuscians’ memory skills

Background Becoming a musician requires a great and constant effort. Usually a musician has started at a very young age to learn an instrument. Learning to play an instrument involves multiple cognitive faculties and abilities, such as memory, attention, executive functions, motor coordination, all simultaneously active. It is no surprising that psychologists and neuroscientists have […]

Emotion Music

Music emotions and congruency effects

Has it ever happened to you to feel an emotion while listening to a piece of music? I’m sure it did. Music is in fact known to be a powerful mean to evoke emotions. Emotions felt during listening to music can be assessed subjectively (by asking individuals to report the emotions they feel) or objectively […]

Cognitive abilities Music Music perception

Contour Perception

When you listen to music, a salient element that helps you processing and remembering a certain music piece is the melodic contour. This can be defined as the up and down pattern that is created by the pitch change direction. For example, if the notes in the melody are increasing in pitch one after the other, […]